Darryl J. Williams

Vocal Coaching

Darryl’s coaching style strips the audition back to basics.

An experienced voice teacher, performer and actor with over 40 years professional experience, Darryl asks what do you need to do to have a successful 15 minute entertainment audition? What aspects of your personality do you need to polish to make a great impression and which should you leave outside? How do you build stamina for a 45 minute cabaret performance or concert?

How can you be the best you?

Too often young performers spend their college days working strictly on Musical Theatre repertoire and find that they are ill equipped to compete in the professional realm which requires more up to date vocal technique and phrasing.  As a theatre singer with deep roots in gospel and R&B traditions, Darryl can not only work on style, but also think about pop singing in terms of healthful singing.  “It’s no use giving a killer pop audition for a theatre show if you can’t replicate that performance 8 times a week.”  Darryl will show you how.

For less experienced singers, particularly actors or dancers who may have fear around the vocal audition, Darryl will work on basics of breath control, phrasing and intonation as well as help select the audition cuts that are right for you.

For more experienced singers who may want to broaden their stylistic repertoire, Darryl will work on an authentic pop sound.  “It’s easy to copy a famous singer’s interpretation, the challenge lies in putting that song on your own voice.”

On line coaching – Darryl is now offering private coaching sessions, either in person or on line via Skype.  These are aimed at singers of all levels and start with a complimentary 15-minute evaluation session.  Darryl will discuss with you what your goals are as well as hear some singing to plan an individulaized course of study. Students need a quiet space and a reliable wi-fi connection.  Darryl runs strength building exercises from his keyboard and students rehearse their individual song choices from accompaniment recordings to achieve the optimal coaching experience.  

Rates are available on request. 

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From an early age, Darryl harnessed his musical talents and creative ability to overcome personal obstacles. Only by focusing on music and creativity was Darryl able to deal with the fall out from prolonged childhood sexual abuse. Wishing to share his survival techniques with others, Darryl formed an 80 voice non-professional family choir to benefit his community’s cultural welfare. “The Fellowship Mass Choir” toured the East Coast with a message of hope and positivity to High Schools and Colleges! Darryl shared his own message of triumph and survival with audiences around the world.

Darryl has developed the Frequency System that uses a metaphor of “tuning in” to the correct frequency in order to achieve your personal goals.

The Frequency Talk is a way of thinking that changes your outlook and could change your outcome! Darryl’s system can elevate the individual to a higher frequency thus manifesting a future that is more suitable for creativity and positive living. The Frequency Talk is not just a method for creative people, it’s a system that maximizes the creativity in everyone.

Sessions usually run from 45-90 minutes for groups of any size.

Sessions usually run 2-3 hours for groups of 10-30